Wednesday, June 3, 2009


This is my doll Nina that I made myself with a little help from Mom. I made her ball dress all by myself. I sewed it by hand. It took a long time to make my doll though. I'd like to make some shoes for her and a night gown. I'm also going to make a bed and a blanket for her. I already made the pillow with the sewing machine. I love to sew and make stuff for her.


Bluette June 4, 2009 at 6:24 AM  

BRAVO EVA pour ta belle poupée,le
visage,les cheveux et la robe tout
et bien réussi.Tu as pour ton age
des petites mains de fées.
Continue ta volonté te donnera des
ailes pour tes projets futurs.
Grosses bises et à bientôt

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