Monday, June 8, 2009

Catch of the day

I woke up early today so I took off to go skin diving to a new place. I heard it was good for abalone. It was great diving. Diving in the kelp beds is a treat. I saw some jelly fish, a small eel abut 16 inches long, a china cod (that I shot at and missed, darn it), and lots of nice abalone. I like to be in the kelp forest, it looks so cool shifting back and forth with the serge.

I get some exercise doing something I love, plus we get dinner too, it’s hard to beat that! I got three nice abs, there’s only two in this picture, I put the biggest one in the freezer. The fish I speared is a sea trout (also known as a greenling).

It felt good to get some exercise, not just the diving but the walk back up the cliff, and the hike along the trail on my way back to the car was a work out too.

Abs are a lot of work. But it is all fun work. First the diving, then clean the abalone, clean the dive gear, pound out the abs, dip them in flour, egg/beer mixture and finally pat on the bread crumbs. During this last phase of putting the abs in the beer batter the kids asked if Mom would show them some yoga poses. Here’s a quick pic that I took.

Sylviane has been doing yoga each morning and now the kids are starting to get interested in it too.

Dinner was great, there were no left over’s.

Tomorrow is Ben’s eighth birthday. He is so excited, so is Eva. I will wake him up about 5:30 so we can go get some abalone to start the day off. :)


Shirley June 9, 2009 at 8:02 AM  

Sounds like so much fun. Happy Birthday Ben - hope you have a great day.

Hear house has sold for $214,000. No action though - yard has dried up and plants are dieing. Gene's been dragging hoses across to try to save some of it. Water and power is off.

The Colliers June 10, 2009 at 11:20 PM  

Thanks, Shirley, for the updates. It's sad for the plants. Hope that some nice people with kids move in.
Take care

Bluette June 11, 2009 at 11:47 AM  

Que cela à fait plaisir de ce souvenir de ces moments de jeunesse
On dit que l'appétit vient en
mangeant mais vous c'est en plongeant .Mais nous on ne pense
pas au travail de remise en ordre
du matériel servi.Ne reste t'il pas
un petit petit bout.
Les Aubonnois

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