Thursday, June 25, 2009

As you can see I didn’t do the driving on the way to Quincy. If you look hard at the above picture you can see Bill driving through a tunnel with a truck coming at us head on. It took us three hours from Oroville, about 80 miles, estimated time from yahoo map... 1 ½ hour. It was a beautiful drive up on hwy 70 along the north fork of the Feather River. It is nice to go slow as we have time to admire the beauty of nature.

We are staying at the pioneer rv park which is nice and quiet. Each site is spacious with trees between them, not big enough yet to offer descant shade, though. They have several restricting rules. One is about the children being supervised at all time... they can’t just bike around the camp. Not really a kid friendly place... that’s probably why I haven’t seen any around.

Yesterday we went on a scouting trip to find a remote place to camp and/or to do some gold panning. We ARE in gold country, you know! Found a pretty lake, silver lake, 6 miles up a dirt road too twisty for taking the bus on it. Plus there is no swimming aloud in the lake since it is a reservoir. So far only in Modesto have I seen a reservoir where you could swim in. After checking out an other lake, Bucks Lake, we took a side dirt road and followed it through the forest until we couldn’t go anymore.

Didn’t quite reached the river for we didn’t have the right equipment to hike down to it about a mile horizontally and about 500 feet vertically. On the way back, through a different road, we stopped by a little stream that had a claim on it so no gold panning aloud so we just went to put our feet in the water and enjoyed! It looks like all the streams and rivers around here have been claimed for prospecting. We saw a few dredges along the north fork.

Today will be another scouting trip to find the ideal spot.


Bluette June 28, 2009 at 11:52 AM  

Le départ est donné.J'ai pu voir
à Oroville votre lac avec la remontèe pour les poissons ,sur
internet naturellement.
Quincy,sera l'endroit pour je pense
fêter la fête des pères.Nous vous
souhaitons à tous une belle journée
Gros bisous .
De la Suisse et les Aubonnois.

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