Saturday, May 16, 2009


Here we are in Cloverdale with good internet connection, yes! We'll be here for a couple of days just long enough to warm up our bones from the cold wind of Bodega Bay and to catch up with laundry (6 loads so far and 2 more to go) since we were dry camping in Bodega ( no hook ups).
The weather here is drastically I'm writing this, I'm sitting just under the AC that is blowing nice cool air. The children and Bill are gone fishing at the catch & release pond and I bet that when they come back they will be ready for dip in the pool!

The bus is filled with a wonderful smell of fresh bread baking... no, we didn't get a new bread machine, Bill made it by hand like he used to do on the boat when we were cruising.

Tomorrow we'll be hitting the road again to go north back to the coast to Fort Bragg area. We are all set up to do some snorkeling and go abalone diving, well Bill will do the diving we'll be watching him from above. I hope that the conditions will be ideal and that we'll have internet connection to tell you all about it.


There are new pictures on the photo gallery to check out!


Bluette May 17, 2009 at 11:49 AM  

A vous voilà revenu en altitude.
Tout se passe à peu-prêt comme vous
l'espéré,mais adieu téléphone,tu
vois même les tectiques les plus
modernes peuvent dire adieu.Bonne
continuation et à bientôt.
Grosses bises des Aubonnois de

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