The other day, for the first time, I did some panning here at the camp. Bill does the hard work, the digging, vacuuming and shoveling then Ben and I put that material through the sluce box to get rid off the bigger rocks and dirt. After that only black sand, small rocks and gold are left. Then it’s time to pan all that is left to get down to the gold! Well, guess what? I found some... it was quite exciting but not enough YET to make Bill a new wedding ring with. He lost his a few years ago and we are planning to replace it with the gold we find... let’s be optimistic! The ring was made from gold that his brother had mined for in Alaska. Read more about our wedding rings...
La persévérance,vous devez en avoir
après tout ce que vous avez fait
jusqu'à maintenant.Nous vous souhaitons de trouver ce petit caillou doré tant désiré,que la
chance soit avec vous.
Grosses bises et à bientôt.
De la Suisse,les Aubonnois.
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