Thursday, August 20, 2009

Still waiting...

Today an appraiser is coming to see the proprety. Maybe we'll find out what his price is late today or more likely tomorrow. Our offer might be higher than the appraisal price which will result in more negotiations. We just need to buckle up and hang on to our seat for this roller coaster ride!

Today Ben and Eva are going with their grandparents to a bluegrass festival which they've been going to every year since the festival started six years ago( Eva missed the first year!). They will both be part of a kid's camp where they practice some songs together or as different bands and will perform on stage on Sunday. They will both be playing the guitar. They couldn't wait for this day to come. It's always a bunch of fun spending a week end with grandma and grandpa... staying up late, sweet treats and who knows what else... it's their secrets! I am so grateful for this close relationship they have with their grandparents.

What will I do without them for four days? Well, I will go check out some charter schools in the area that offer homeschooling program and learn more about them since it would be the first time we use them. I'll go get some color samples for the walls of the house and look at some flooring... a lot of fun stuff!

As if all this wasn't enough for excitement for this month our good friend Sophie is coming back to San Diego next week. She has been gone for a whole year living in Paris, France. August is a very special month indeed! Lots of great changes...



Bluette August 21, 2009 at 11:48 PM  

C'est superbe pour Ben et Eva de
pouvoir profiter de ce stage et
d'être avec Darlen et Jerry,je me
réjoui de voir queques photos.
Quatre jours,après toutes ses émotions vous permètrons de faire
le point sur la suite des événements,que je vous souhaite plein de bonnes choses et que voeux
se réalisent pour votre avenir.
Grosses bises et à bientôt
De la Suisse ,les Aubonnois.

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