Friday, August 14, 2009

Nothing yet

Latest update on "our"(positive thinking helps!) house:
The propriety is being appraised tomorrow. Things seem to be going in the right direction. Bill was told that the final decision would be made on Sunday. I think they like us and we are with no doubts the ones who want it the most. We'll see....

Thanks all for your comments!

The kids and I spent the afternoon at the beach today with our friends.... it was cold... we didn't stay long. The air is quite smoky from the fire in Santa Cruz.



amada por Deus May 27, 2010 at 11:57 AM  

ola gostei muito do seu blog, achei-o bastante interessante, bem eu sou de angola e sou nova disto de ter um blog e não sei muito bem como funciona,gostaria muito que me ajudasses e fosses minha amiga para conversarmos se for possível claro e se quiseres. bjo obrigada

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