Saturday, May 23, 2009

The trees

In bodega bay we went to "the trees". Over there it’s like the coolest jungle gym ever! I said I could survive there for ever only if I had my dad’s 22 (riffle) because you can see quail down the road. The only problem is that there’s no fresh water. Me and Eva found our own little places where we would sleep if we lived there. At my place I could hang my binoculars, backpack, water and hat. And we even had a picnic there.



Shirley May 26, 2009 at 7:57 AM  

Ben - it looks like you and Eva had so much fun playing in the trees that made your little home. I remember when we stayed there, we walked through that camping area and saw those trees. It brought back memories of when I grew up near Yosemite National Park and the fun my brother and I had playing in the forests.

Bluette May 26, 2009 at 11:26 AM  

Ben je te félicite pour ta pause
relaxe,on aimerait bien y être à
ta place rien que pour le pic-nic
Et de te voir avec ta soeur si petit,un point rose et bleu foncé.
Bravo au photographe et à bientôt

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