Thursday, May 28, 2009

Eating right

This is a view of our colorful counter top in the bus. Since I've started reading the book "You are what you eat" -recommended by my good friend Marie-Laure-I'm being more aware of what I put in my mouth. I'm thinking more about what my body needs are rather than what tastes good. Though, I've always been reading the ingredient list from what I buy to avoid artificial colorants, preservatives and other huge words impossible to read. We have a smoothy made with fresh fruit every morning (or so)... a motivation from my friend Tricia who makes yummy ones.

But today....I got a very special treat. Unless you are a raw vegan, you probably don't know that Fort Bragg has a very special culinary institute. Well, I had no idea either until I stumbled across a flier for a Organic Gourmet Raw Vegan I went! What a treat, it was wonderful and delicious. The theme was "flavors of the Mediterranean". Au menu: hummus, falafel with tahini sauce, tabouleh, greek salad, carrots with moroccan spices, dolmas with middle eastern marinara, apple baklava and music. I wish you could have been there, Marie-Laure! People from all around the world come to study raw food in this institute. Some of the students that prepared the lunch were from Japan, Iran, Mexico, Wisconsin, Texas, California and other places that I've forgotten already. I enjoyed it so much that I bought a raw recipe book... can't wait to try some!

Bon appetit!



Bluette May 29, 2009 at 2:16 AM  

On à toujours dit mange des légumes
c'est bon pour la santé,mais voilà
à l'heure actuelle ,il faut que tout soit prêt.Heureusement qu'il
reste des familles qui cherche à
manger sainement.BRAVO à vous et que le toute vous donne une belle
vie avenir.
A bientôt

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