Thursday, August 13, 2009


Hi everyone,

Sorry for leaving you without any news from our adventures for so long.
Here is briefly what we’ve been up to for the last month.
We left Quincy and the mountains in the middle of July to come south to the Monterey area. Bill had to be around to help start a job on the navy base in Monterey and has been going to work everyday. We’ve been staying in a koa camp near Santa Cruz that is geared toward children and families. Ben and Eva have been having a blast and made new friends. We’ve also been visiting with our friends from Modesto... many play dates and sleepovers... a real summer vacation!
This stay also had us reevaluate our priorities and needs as we ran out of steam. Is "a life on the road" the right choice for our family anymore? Traveling is a full time job just by itself. It has been a challenge to keep our needed routines and habits going. Working part time for Bill has often turned into a full time job where the internet connection was slow or intermittent. It’s very frustrating especially when the outdoors is calling you. Anyway, it would take me pages and pages and more pages to explain everything that went through our heads during the last month.
A week and a half ago Bill and I made the decision to buy a house. The market is at its "best" for buyers and it’s the right time for us. San Diego is our choice, THE place that feels like home to us. We contacted a realtor, went through long listings, drove nine hours down to San Diego last Saturday, visited some proprieties, found the perfect one and made an offer. That easy... well, it has been a roller coaster of emotions condensed in such a short amount of time. We are waiting to find out if our offer is accepted or not. Maybe we’ll find out tomorrow! The wait is just so unbearable. We haven’t slept much lately. Bill trying to learn everything about buying a house since this is our very first one and me repainting, remodeling and furnishing the rooms in my head.
To us it is a great and exciting change in our life but the down side is that we are stopping the traveling full time. We will still take "Thelma II" out for more adventures during numerous vacations (I hope!) and the rest of the time it will make a lovely guest house.
These last eleven months on the road have been awesome, a very positive adventure, and have taught us a lot about our family dynamics and what our needs are individually. We do not regret any bit of it... we’ve gain so much from it!
Hope that this gear shift isn’t too disappointing to you! (I still expect to keep the blog going)

I promise to keep you updated on the house hunting.



Constance August 14, 2009 at 6:53 AM  

We are excited for your bold decision. Good job making a tough choice. Isaac, Andy and Constance

Shirley August 14, 2009 at 7:38 AM  

Sorry we missed your visit. Yes, we're gone to Lynden, WA. Move over to Blaine, WA today. We'll keep our fingers crossed that you'll soon be home owners. What great memories you have of your last 11 months on the road. Wonder if you're being affected with the smoke from the fire in the Santa Cruz area. Look forward to stayin up to date on your news.

bondedbyfaith August 14, 2009 at 6:58 PM  

Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear if you got the house!


Bluette August 15, 2009 at 6:46 AM  

zVoilà, vos décisions sont les vôtres,vous avez surment bien réfléchi,peser le pour et le contre
Nous vous souhaitons de bien passer
ce stress et que l'avenir remplisse
de bonheur toute la famille.
Gros bisous à tous.
De la Suisse,les Aubonnois

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