Sunday, April 5, 2009

The ducklings

Once I was looking out the window and I saw ten little ducklings walking around the campground with their mom close to our bus. I went to call Mom to see them. Then they all went under the bus and when I went to the other side I saw them drinking water close to where we would get our water. And I also saw three ducklings at Disneyland.They were all so so cute!



Bluette April 7, 2009 at 8:38 AM  

Bravo EVA pour ta belle découverte
de maman canard et ses petits.

Bluette April 13, 2009 at 11:03 PM  

Quelle chance vous eu Ben et Eva
que le lapin de Pâques soit monté
il n'a pas eu peur du froid ,il
avait encore son manteau d'hiver.
Gros bisous d'Aubonne

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