Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our last couple of days

Monday: total chaos... packing suitcases and bags to go to Switzerland visit my family for a whole month. In the same time we had to get the bus ready to be left for that time. Like emptying the fridge and freezer which resulted in interesting meal combinations! Bill likes to make a "goulash", as he calls it, which is a soup with all the left overs...sometime it turns out real good;)

Tuesday: We took the road for San Fransisco in a rented minivan. Why San Fransisco?? It's because when we bought the tickets our plans were to be in the San Joaquim Valley area. What's consistent with our plans is that they always change. We stayed in the warm climate of San Diego instead! The 7 hour trip went very smoothly and pleasant. The children stayed busy and I read "these happy golden years" (a little house in the prairie series) out loud. Time went very fast and I didn't even get a headache from reading while driving....just a perfect trip!

We stopped in Pleasanton (45min. from San Fransisco airport) for dinner and get a motel for the night. As you can see "Uni" the unicorn is coming with us to Switzerland! I did ask Eva if there was a smaller animal she would rather bring....but no, she picked Uni:) The excitment was so hight that it was hard to sleep for all of us.
Our plane leaves today at 2.30pm.
Switzerland here we come!


les petites choses March 2, 2009 at 12:19 AM  

mais alors, ca y est: vous etes en europe???? yoohoo!

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