Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Miserable week

We saw this pelican while kayaking last week… our last activity before the children got sick. Last Tuesday they both started with a fiver. Eva’s lasted only a couple days but Ben kept it until yesterday and had peaks reaching 105 F (40.5 C)...scary! Fortunately he is feeling much better today but is still weak. During that time Bill ended up with a bad cold and I got laryngitis. I was feeling fine but completely lost my voice. The children thought it was quite funny to hear the sounds I made trying to talk. Anyway, we, the children and I, still managed to learn the Star Spangled Banner song which we’ll be singing tomorrow at the Naturalization Oath Ceremony.
I’m thankful that everyone is feeling better now and that I have my voice back.

Hope that your week was better than ours!


Shirley January 28, 2009 at 6:19 AM  

Today is the day! And we're thinking of you. So glad the family is feeling better. Gene had a really bad cold too.... so far I've escaped. We're very proud of you Sylviane.

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